Creating Kits


To know how to create a kit, first you need to know all the available commands.

Basic commands



/kit create <kitName>

Create your kit

/kit delete <kitName>

Delete a kit

/kit info <kitName>

See info about the kit

/kit list

See the list of kits

/kit get <subCommand>

/kit set <subCommand>

/kit toggle <subCommand>

Requires arguments, shown below

/kit whitelistArena <kitName> <arenaName>

Allow an Arena to be played for the Kit

Set commands



/kit set icon <kitName>

Set the kit icon

/kit set inv <kitName>

Set the kit inventory

/kit set editorinv <kitName>

Set the kit editor inventory

/kit set unrankedpos <kitName> <position>

Set the unranked position of the kit in the Queue menu

/kit set rankedpos <kitName> <position>

Set the ranked position of the kit in the Queue menu

/kit set editorpos <kitName> <position>

Set the kit editor position of the kit in the manu

/kit set spawnffapos <kitName> <position>

Set the kit position in the spawn ffa menu

/kit set kb <kitName> <kbName>

Set the kit knockback

/kit set displayname <kitName> <display>

Set the kit name to display

/kit set goals <kitName> <goals>

Set the number of goals needed to win (Bridges, BattleRush, MLGRush, etc.)

/kit set damageticks <kitName> <ticks>

Set kit damage ticks

/kit set lives <kitName> <amount>

Set the kit amount of lives

/kit set refillinv <kitName>

Set the refillable items

/kit set effects <kitName>

Set the kit potion effects

Get commands



/kit get kb <kitName>

Get the name of the kb bound to the Kit

/kit get inv <kitName>

Get the contents of the Kit inventory

/kit get effects <kitName>

Get the potion effects of the Kit

/kit get refillinv <kitName>

Get the refillable items from the Kit inventory

/kit get editorinv <kitName>

Get the contents of the editable Kit inventory

/kit get displayname <kitName>

Get the display name of the Kit

Example: Choppa

  1. To create a new Kit, execute the following command:

    • /kit create Choppa

  2. After that, you can give the Kit an icon, hold the item you want the icon to be and execute:

    • /kit set icon Choppa

  3. Now you need to set the Kit inventory/loadout. Get your armor and inventory contents for the kit and then execute:

    • /kit set inv Choppa

  4. You can also make the kit editable, to do so, get your armor and inventory contents for the editable kit and then execute:

    • /kit set editorinv Choppa

  5. Alternatively, you can also add 5 items to be refillable while editing the inventory, it will take the first 5 items from your hotbar (slots 1 to 5). To do that, get your items and then do:

    • /kit set refillinv Choppa

  6. Now you need to set the Unranked, Ranked, Spawn FFA and Kit Editor GUIs positions for the kit. Since I was my Choppa Kit to be placed in the first slot of the GUI, I'll use the Slot #0. To set the slot positions use the following commands:

    • /kit set unrankedpos Choppa 0

    • /kit set spawnffapos Choppa 0

    • /kit set rankedpos Choppa 0

    • /kit set editorpos Choppa 0

  7. We also need to set the damage ticks for the Kit, since I want my Kit to have Vanilla Minecraft damage ticks I'll use 20, as that's the default value. To do so, we execute the following command:

    • /kit set damageticks Choppa 20

  8. I also want my Choppa Kit, to have unlimited Speed II. I'll do the following in order to achieve that:

    1. /effect Elb1to minecraft:speed 9999 1

    2. /kit set effects Choppa

  9. Who doesn't like having different KB profiles for each Kit they have? I'll bind a KB Profile named "potpvp" to my Choppa Kit. Keep in mind that KB Profiles are case-sensitive.

    • /kit set kb Choppa potpvp

  10. Finally, to make our new "Choppa" Kit playable, we use the following command:

    • /kit toggle playable Choppa

  11. Done!

Example: BuildUHC

  1. To create a new Kit, execute the following command:

    • /kit create UltraUHC

  2. After that, you can give the Kit an icon, hold the item you want the icon to be and execute:

    • /kit set icon UltraUHC

  3. Now you need to set the Kit inventory/loadout. Get your armor and inventory contents for the kit and then execute:

    • /kit set inv UltraUHC

  4. You can also make the kit editable, to do so, get your armor and inventory contents for the editable kit and then execute:

    • /kit set editorinv UltraUHC

  5. Alternatively, you can also add 5 items to be refillable while editing the inventory, it will take the first 5 items from your hotbar (slots 1 to 5). To do that, get your items and then do:

    • /kit set refillinv UltraUHC

  6. Now you need to set the Unranked, Ranked, Spawn FFA and Kit Editor GUIs positions for the kit. Since I was my UltraUHC Kit to be placed in the first slot of the GUI, I'll use the Slot #4. To set the slot positions use the following commands:

    • /kit set unrankedpos UltraUHC 4

    • /kit set spawnffapos UltraUHC 4

    • /kit set rankedpos UltraUHC 4

    • /kit set editorpos UltraUHC 4

  7. We also need to set the damage ticks for the Kit, since I want my Kit to have Vanilla Minecraft damage ticks, but a bit smoother and quicker, I'll use 18. To do so, we execute the following command:

    • /kit set damageticks UltraUHC 18

  8. Who doesn't like having different KB profiles for each Kit they have? I'll bind a KB Profile named "uhcSeasonThree" to my UltraUHC Kit. Keep in mind that KB Profiles are case-sensitive.

    • /kit set kb UltraUHC uhcSeasonThree

  9. I want my UltraUHC Kit to show the player's health above their head, to do so, I do this:

    • /kit toggle showhealth UltraUHC

  10. I also want to disable natural health regeneration, so I'll use:

    • /kit toggle noregen UltraUHC

  11. Since our UltraUHC Kit is based on UHC, I'll enable the Build setting for it:

    • /kit toggle build UltraUHC

  12. This Kit is very competitive, so I will also enable Ranked for it:

    • /kit toggle ranked UltraUHC

  13. Finally, to make our new "UltraUHC" Kit playable, we use the following command:

    • /kit toggle playable UltraUHC

Last updated